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성격이 모험물만 모아놓은 책들인데

1위부터 국내 출간본을 보니 간간이 있습니다. 가장 눈에 띄는게 2위인 쌩떽쥐베리의 인간의 대지

웨이백 등이네요. 쓰리컵 역시 국내 출간이 되었습니다. 티벳에서 7년간도 있고, 인투더월드는 영화로 나왔는데 번역은 안되었나 봅니다.

이런 리스트도 꼼꼼하게 보시면 재미있는 책들이 많습니다.

맘같아서는 모두 국내 출간본 검색해서 올리고 싶지만 ㅎㅎ 시간 많이 걸리는거 아시죠? ~~

뜻이 있는곳에 길이 있듯이 읽고 싶은 책들은 찾다보면 의외의 재미있는 책을 읽을수 있습니다.


1.The Snow Leopard – Peter Mathiessen’s seminal work about a journey of (re)discovery to the remotest Himalayan region of Nepal
2.Wind, Sand and Stars – an ode to the golden years of flying and adventure by the author of The Little Prince
3.The Long Walk – an epic tale of escape from a Russian prison camp followed by a 2,000 mile walk to freedom (so unbelievable that some have questioned its authenticity)
4.Three Cups of Tea – everyone’s favorite book about a climber discovering his true calling by building schools in Afghanistan and Pakistan
5.No Picnic on Mount Kenya – Italian POW’s reinvigorate their own humanity through adventure
6.A Soldier of the Great War – sure it’s fiction, but this story set in the Italian Alps of World War I can’t help but ignite the adventurous spirit within all of us
7.Seven Years in Tibet – the book is better than the movie (duh)
8.The Climb – get the perspective of one of the real heroes of the 1996 Everest disaster, the late Anatoli Bourkreev
9.Into the Wild – while the movie was good, the book was better still. Krakauer weaves in his own personal dramas to add perspective
10.The Worst Journey in the World – this polar adventure fulfills the definition of “epic” in every sense of the word


11.Alive – a study in survival and the will to live, this story of a rugby team marooned in the Andes is a classic
12.Touching the Void – Joe Simpson’s harrowing account of surviving a mountaineering disaster, it dramatizes the agonizing choices faced when living on the edge
13.Desert Solitaire – Abbey’s musings and cranky assaults on the march of “civilization” into the wilderness are profound
14.A Short Walk in the Hindu Kush – a classic account of a Brit on a grand field trip in Central Asia
15.Roughing It – Twain’s original portrait of the American frontier
16.Endurance: Shackleton’s Incredible Voyage – Lansing’s classic remains inspirational today, and is still instructive for aspiring “leaders of men”
17.Out of Africa – the definitive book on the African colonial experience
18.Minus 148 Degrees – Denali in winter, in a storm: who knew human beings could survive this cold?
19.Terra Incognita: Travels in Antarctica – the culture and environment of Antarctica laid bare by the wry Sara Wheeler
20.Dark Star Safari: Overland from Cairo to Capetown – Paul Theroux’s Africa reunion tour, from Cairo to Cape Town
21.Jaguars Ripped My Flesh – Tim Cahill is the bard of travel writing, and his short stories keep you chuckling
22.Arctic Dreams – Barry Lopez takes his eco-sensibility to the far north
23.The Log from the Sea of Cortez – Steinbeck’s voyage of discovery is part natural history and part travelogue
24.Coming into the Country – McPhee isn’t for everyone, but this book is
25.Green Hills of Africa – what list is complete without Hemingway?
26.Sound of Mountain Water – Stegner is the definitive American author on the West
27.Heart of Darkness – fear and loathing of the unknown in deepest Africa
28.On the Road – the bible for a generation of those who travel for the journey itself
29.Cadillac Desert: The American West and Its Disappearing Water – a warning call to all who strive to tame the American West
30.A Farewell To Arms – see #25
31.In a Sunburned Country – Bill Bryson’s jaunty portrait of the “lucky country” Down Under
32.Blue Highways: A Journey into America – not all of America is covered by strip malls. At least not yet
33.Off the Deep End: Travels in Forgotten Frontiers – Tony Perrottet takes us to the places far away from the headlines
34.Full Circle – Michael Palin + travel = awesome
35.Eric Shipton: Everest & Beyond – stories from an original explorer and mountaineer, when blank spots still remained on the map
36.A House in Bali – cultural immersion and music make for a wonderful cocktail
37.Siberian Dawn: A Journey Across the New Russia – a hard-edged look at the country emerging from the Cold War
38.Let My People Go Surfing – the manifesto of Yvon Chouinard, Patagonia’s “dirtbag entrepreneur”
39.The Shadow of Kilimanjaro – Rick Ridgeway walks across Kenya
40.Travels with Charley in Search of America – a man, a dog, and his truck…on the road across America
41.Tintin and the Picaros – the curtain closes on the best comic adventurer-sleuth of all time
42.Great Plains – exploring the open prairie, literally and metaphorically
43.Pillars of Hercules – around the Mediterranean with Theroux, the hyper-articulate cynic
44.The Places In Between – just your average walk across Afghanistan in the middle of a war
45.A River Runs Through It – the currents of life, set in Montana
46.We Die Alone – a Norwegian soldier escapes the Nazis in the far north: it will leave you jaw-dropped
47.Ultimate High: My Everest Odyssey – while not on any English prof’s list, Goran Kropp’s story is an inspiration
48.In Patagonia – inscrutable, and vintage Chatwin
49.The Call of the Wild – we still hear the call, and now we need it more than ever
50.A Sand County Almanac – Aldo Leopold’s conservationist musings are just as relevant and meaningful today

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