춘천지검은 피해 아동을 폭행하거나 폭언한 혐의(아동복지법상 아동학대)로 손 감독과 손흥윤 수석코치, ㄱ코치 등 3명을 약식기소했다고 30일 밝혔다. 약식기소는 검찰이 정식 재판을 하지 않는 대신 벌금을 부과해달라고 법원에 청구하는 절차다. 당사자와 법원이 정식 재판 회부 의사를 밝히지 않으면 형이 확정된다.

검찰은 “사건처리 기준에 따라 약식 기소했다”며 구체적인 벌금 액수는 밝히지 않았다. 검찰은 또 손 감독 등을 약식기소하면서 아동학대 치료 프로그램 이수 명령도 병과했다고 밝혔다.


Tottenham star Son Heung-min's father is 'summarily indicted for child abuse charges at his South Korean football training centre'... after being accused of 'beating a student with a corner flag for losing a race'


댓글 중 손흥민에 관한 댓글

London, United Kingdom3d ago
don't agree. from his leg breaking tackle to his antics on the pitch, he's a bit of a joke
  • Chelas, Isle Of Man3d ago

    Not just his leg breaking. He has a track record. He kicked rudiger in the nuts. Showed no remorse for the leg break against Gomes, tried to fight Hugo lloris (his captain) in the changing rooms. Only recently he had a physical altercation with the PSG winger on international duty.

    Yet everyone still thinks he is a lovely lad

Alkmaar, Netherlands3d ago
Seems to me bullying runs in the family. The sad thing is that one of Son Heung-min's bullying victims, Lee Kang-In, was assigned blame when the fact of the matter is that Son dislocated his finger while manhandling him.

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