Speaking on Sky's 'A League of their Own', Bale warned: "The biggest advice I would give him is play the game at Madrid. If you don't play the game and do what the media want, speak to them and basically be a puppet, you do get a lot of stick.

You'll see a lot of Galacticos, they'll act like Galacticos, do what the press want, playing the game of Real Madrid. That's probably where I was a bit of a downfall. I didn't want to do it. I just wanted to play football and go home. It hindered me and that made them attack me.

"So my advice would be, honestly, just play the game of Real Madrid off the field. You have to speak after games, make sure you try and speak in Spanish, do all those kinds of things."

ㅡ lafc 가서 스페인 어 쓰니까 마르카가 9년이 걸러서야 베일 스페인 어 하는 거 들어 본다고 ㅋ
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