리암 니슨

2020.08.21 20:27

daviddain 조회 수:775

액션 영화를 찍고 싶어서 뤽 베송에게 복싱도 했고 마법사와 칼 나오는 영화도 나왔으니 할 수 있다고 접근했네요.엑스칼리버, High Spirits 같은 영화죠.
Dvd직행 영화로 생각하고 찍었는데 조카들이 영화봤다고 연락했다고 합니다. 한국에서 다운받아 봤다고요. 지금은 액션 히어로로 받아들여지는 것에 만족해 합니다.지팡이 짚고 다닐 때까지 하겠답니다.

It’s been great. Look, we did the first Taken movie 13 years ago this year and I had just turned 55 when we wrapped. My dear departed wife [Natasha Richardson] and I were at a film festival in Shanghai, she had a film there, and [Taken producer] Luc Besson was on the jury. I had read this Taken script and I approached him there and said, “Look, I’m sure I’m nowhere near your list of actors for this, but I used to be a boxer, I love doing fight scenes, I’ve done quite a few sorcery movies with swords and s---. Please think of me for this.” Push came to shove and he offered it to me. And I obviously was a kid in a toy shop doing it, hanging with these stunt guys and working on these fight scenes and arms training — I loved it.

I’ve said this before, and no offense to Robert Kamen, our wonderful writer and my pal, but I thought, “Well, this is going to go straight-to-video. A short little European thriller, it might play okay for a couple weeks in France and then it will go straight-to-video.” But it did well in France and then it went straight to South Korea, and it did very well there. And then I was getting calls from my nephews in Ireland, saying, “[Stoner voice] Um, Uncle Liam, we saw your movie.” I said, “Which one?” They said, “Um, Taken.” I said, “What do you mean? You couldn’t have seen it.” They said, “Well, we downloaded it from South Korea.” I said, “You can’t do that! What are you talking about?!” So I thought, "My nephews are breaking the law,” which really pissed me off, and also I thought, “Well, that’s it. If you can download it, it’s gone into the ether.” But Fox took it and they very cleverly did a good trailer and put it during various sporting events around the country and they made it a real success. I remember the first weekend it came in at No. 3, and then it came up to No. 2 and then No. 1, and then it went down to No. 4, and it came up to No. 3

So you're just going to keep doing them until you can't anymore?

Yep, keep doing them until they pass me the walker.

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