애슐리 저드 와인스틴 항소 승리

2020.07.30 22:03

daviddain 조회 수:655

“That is, by virtue of his professional position and influence as a top producer in Hollywood, Weinstein was uniquely situated to exercise coercive power or leverage over Judd, who was a young actor at the beginning of her career at the time of the alleged harassment,” Murguia wrote. “Moreover, given Weinstein’s highly influential and ‘unavoidable’ presence in the film industry, the relationship was one that would have been difficult to terminate ‘without tangible hardship’ to Judd, whose livelihood as an actor depended on being cast for roles.”


ㅡ  피터 잭슨이 하비 와인스틴이 캐스팅 과정에서 저드와 미라 소비노를 배제하라고 요구한 것을 밝힌 후18년 4월 저드는 와인스틴을 성추행으로 고소했고 기각당하자 항소했고 받아들여졌습니다.  저드는 하버드 행정 대학원에서 여성정책을 연구하기도 했더군요.

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