Who would you recommend to be the next James Bond? Who do you think would make a great Bond villain?
Dave, IT worker, Nottingham
I think Dave could have a future. Frankly, Dave is as likely as the next man. And I want the headline, “Dave to be next James Bond.” I have no idea. They’ve made it so difficult for themselves for two reasons. One is they turned the franchise into something extraordinary with Daniel Craig. If you think about the actors that might have been up for the role after Pierce Brosnan, a lot of people would have said, “No way.” They would not have even been considered for the role, not wanted to be considered for the role. Now, there’s barely an actor in the world who would turn it down. And that’s because of Daniel and because what’s happened to the franchise since.

So that’s a great thing. The bad thing is he’s dead. You tell me how they get out of that one. I want to ask Dave, “How would you get out of it?” As for a great Bond villain? José Mourinho. You can’t get better than that can you?

최근에도 선수 한 명한테 배신당했다고 인터뷰해 바이러스 감별사로서의 명성을 재확인시켜 준 무리뉴. 무리뉴가 있어 이탈리아 언론은 즐겁습니다

비난당한 선수 변호사 tv와서 떠들어 대고 선수와 팀이 법정 갈 예정. 비난당한 선수 울트라 남정네들이 집까지 찾아 와 꺼지라고 소리 지르고 공항에서 가족들 앞에서 공격당하고 사이버 모욕으로 인한 정신적 스트레스 호소. 가족들도 위협을 느껴 경찰 신고.


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