스티브 잡스

2020.04.12 14:05

mindystclaire 조회 수:823

아론 소킨이 잡스 역으로 탐 크루즈를 원했었군요. 이미 몇 년 지난 소니 이메일 유출 사건 때 드러났죠.

I've gotten Scott and Danny to the point where they're now a little interested in Tom Cruise. Though both remain concerned about his age (me less so) everyone agrees that he's an actor who can really handle language (Lions for Lambs, Magnolia, A Few Good Men) and a movie star who feels comfortable owning the stage. He's in London filming right now and Scott wants to get him a script to read and a meeting with Danny before Danny comes here to LA next week. I've been warned that he likes to bring in Chris McQuarrie to re-write but [Creative Artists Agency (CAA) agent] Maha Dakhil (who wants him in the movie) has assured me that won't happen.

In a follow-up, Sorkin wrote:

I just got off the phone with Danny who's concerned about the age but I think I got him thinking about it and he's going to look at some scenes from Lions for Lambs where Tom's basically auditioning for Jobs. He's also concerned that the choice will be met with derision because it's such a commercial choice but I honestly think that ends up working for us. Tom's going to surprise some people and they'll want to reward that. I don't think we'd have to recast Woz. Seth's the right age in the first act and Tom's the right age in the third. And the movie announces itself pretty quickly as not being literal--as being a painting rather than a photograph. Look, I wouldn't cast Clint Eastwood but if I saw Tom Cruise flying around the backstage corridors of Symphony Hall I wouldn't think he was too old. I think it would be dazzling performance.

<로스트 라이언즈>로 국내 개봉되어 본 사람 별로 없는 이 영화에서 크루즈는 정치가로 나옵니다. <매그놀리아>, <트로픽 선더>에서 보여 준 거나 역시 소킨의 각본이었던 <어 퓨 굿 멘> 나와 대사 소화해 낸 것, 사생활에서는 유럽에서 영화 찍으며 딸을 보러 가지도 않는 아버지란 점을 볼 때 잡스 역으로 무리는 아니었을 거란 생각을 했습니다. 애슈턴 쿠처가 이미지로는 잡스에 어울리긴  했는데 영화가 망했고 베일이 거절하고 마이클 패스벤더가 했죠.
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