She had a huge amount of respect for Demi and thought Niamh was a real rising star after she saw her in her TV series The Virtues.

‘Sinéad, too, thought Saoirse was fierce and loved her from her film Brooklyn in 2015 when she played an Irish migrant.’

The source explained that when exploring initial concepts for the film, Sinead liked the idea of a ‘triptych approach’ and envisioned a film that would spotlight three distinct actresses.

They added that this creative direction playfully alluded to the Catholic Church's symbolic trinity of father, son, and the Holy Ghost and added a touch of satire into the narrative.

According to the publication Sinéad’s management company had been planning an album and tour, as well as the biopic film.

초기 모습은 샤얼사 로넌이 연기하고 세 여배우가 여러 모습을 연기하길 바랐다고 합니다.

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