“The problem was the casting of Lestat. Brad Pitt had agreed to play Louis and somehow assumed Daniel Day-Lewis would be playing Lestat, an assumption shared by Anne. I offered it to Daniel, who read it, and, as I expected, didn’t want to play the character,” Jordan wrote. “A few years before, he had confined himself to a wheelchair to play Christy Brown in ‘My Left Foot.’ He would have had to sleep in a coffin for the entirety of this production if he followed the same practice. So we moved on.”

After meeting with Cruise twice at his house in Brentwood, Jordan realized that the actor actually had a lot in common with Lestat, something that made him sure of his decision.

“I finally got it,” Jordan wrote. “He had to live a life removed from the gaze of others. He had made a contract with the hidden forces, whatever they turned out to be. He had to hide in the shadows, even in the Hollywood sunlight. He would be eternally young. He was a star. He could well be Lestat.”

Jordan noted that Cruise is “also a superb actor,” but “that small fact got lost in the outrage that followed.”

“Half of America, it seemed, had read Anne Rice’s books and wanted a say in the casting of Lestat,” he continued. “Anne herself took to the airwaves, saying that it was as if I had cast Edward G Robinson as Rhett Butler. But she was wrong and was later big enough to admit it.”

Of course, Cruise’s performance later came to be appreciated by critics and is one of the defining roles in his oeuvre. Jordan further expanded on the topic in an interview with The Guardian, saying that “it must have been very difficult” for Cruise amid the backlash.

“The entire world said, ‘You are miscast,’” Jordan said. “He’s a great actor. If he says he can do something, he will do it in a way that people will be shocked by. Tom has become the last remaining film star. It’s kind of strange.”

Pitt, who joined the film straight after “Legends of the Fall,” was exhausted by the night shoots and the character’s nature, Jordan said. “It simply wore him out. Brad’s a very active guy, that was the direction he wanted to go in. The passivity of the character got him down.”



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뱀파이어와의 인터뷰는 카트린느 브레이야도 좋아하는 영화라고 하고 캐슬린 비글로우가 near dark를 브램 스토커 드라큘라와 뱀파이어와의 인터뷰에 기대 구상. 앤 라이스는 스카페이스 좋아해 올리버 스톤 만나니 그 영화 팬이라고 고백. 스카페이스도 오페라같은데 그게 앤 라이스 소설과도 비슷함.이 영화도 올해 30주년이라 2월 영귁에서 재개봉.

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닐 조던은 장편 데뷔작 늑대의 혈족에서 앤젤라 카터의 페미니즘 동화를 바탕으로 사춘기 소녀를 다룬 게 클로디아로 이어진 거 같더고요. 드라마 1시즌의 클로디아는 14세이고 그를 연기한 베일리 바스는 17세. 초반에 억양이 정신없고 중딩 나이 여자애를 과장되게 그린 감이 있는데 뒤로 갈수록 나아집니다. 아바타 3,4촬영으로 하차, 2시즌부터 다른 배우가 연기.   루이와 클로디아 배우를 흑인으로 캐스팅했지만 둘 다 연기를 잘 하니 피부색은 문제가 안 됨

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드라마 레스타트는 화나면 불어로 말함. 샘 리드는 억양 코치와 꽤 일했는데 레스타트가 여러 나라 돌아다니느라 여러 억양이 스며들었을 거라 생각했답니다. 드라마 레스타트는 음반도 냄.  멀로이가 젊은 시절 루이를 만나는 장면이 나옵니다.  매그누스, 니키 언급은 2시즌의 단초

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